English Page 029-219-7303
- Kuji Pediatric Clinic location
- Address: 2-8-6 Funaishikawa Ekinishi Tokai-mura, Naka-gun
To google map ABOUT page - Message
- Thank you for visiting Kuji Pediatric Clinic website. 'Kuji' means long lasting heavenly love by the character. Our goal is to provide quality pediatric care in a comforting and professional manner. Dr. Yamashita graduated from medical school in the United States. He speaks English language and is willing to help families from overseas.
- Making reservation
- Online reservations are not available for first-time patients. Please visit clinic for your child's initial registration. After the registration, a patient card with ID number is issued. You will be able to make online reservations through 'Yoyakuru' website with the ID number and password.
- What to bring to the clinic
- Bring your child's patient ID card, insurance ID card, 'Marufuku' Medical Welfare ID form from your residential city office, immunization vouchers with questionaires, the mother and child health handbook and prescription records.
- We look forward to serving you and your child.